
The Blue Jackal’s Reign is humorous story.Once a hungry jackal emerged from the jungle and headed toward the village. He was confident of finding sustenance there, as he had narrowly escaped starvation in the wilderness. Despite obtaining some food at the crossroads, his hunger remained unquenched. He continued his journey towards the village. When the dogs guarding the village spotted him approaching, they lunged at him.
Ahead was the house of a dyer, he had kept the clothes in a very big tub for dyeing so that he could dye them in the morning. The jackal, scared of death, ran so fast that he fell into the tub full of blue colour. Now the dogs thought that the jackal had fallen into the furnace, so all of them turned back.

As soon as he emerged from the blue tank, he encountered the worker there. The man was startled by the strange blue creature and fled, leaving his food behind. The blue jackal enjoyed the delicious meal and then left the house, heading toward the forest.

This time, the village dogs saw him again, but instead of attacking him, they ran away into the village streets. There was a chicken coop on a farm just outside the village. The farm owner was enjoying a cigar outside the house. Blue Rusty, reveling in his new appearance, stood in front of the house, staring at the owner. Upon seeing Blue Rusty, the owner fled, leaving the door open. Rusty entered the chicken coop and feasted on a fat, fresh chicken.

Even after witnessing all this, the pair of German Shepherd dogs guarding the house remained hidden inside. The strong and sturdy bull became agitated by the blue creature’s presence, broke its rope, breached the enclosure wall, and ran toward the village. The ducks sought refuge in the pond water, and the farmer’s house was in disarray. Seeing the destruction he had caused, the jackal’s pride reached its zenith.
Now he entered in the forest. Everyone started running here and there out of fear.
The jackal understood that all of them were afraid of him, now he felt that he had become very powerful.
Then he told the fleeing animals, ‘Brothers, do not be afraid of us, Brahma Ji has sent us to protect you all. As the king of the jungle, I will protect you all, you are my subjects. From today onwards, we will rule this jungle.”

On the jackal’s words, all the animals returned. All of them together honoured their new king and made him sit on a high platform, where the jackal announced his cabinet.
The lion was made the commander and the chief minister, the wolf the defence minister, the elephant the home minister and this jackal in disguise declared himself the king of the jungle.
The jackal who was hungry till yesterday, today all the animals were ready to serve him, the lions and the leopards brought new prey for him every day. He would eat it with great pleasure, small animals would be ready to serve him. In a few days the life of that jackal changed. Now he became very fat and healthy.
There was nothing but joy in his life. He ate freely and slept comfortably. He had never imagined even in his dreams that he would someday become the king of the jungle.
Once a huge group of jackals came to that forest from the nearby forest making noise. All of them were dancing and singing happily.
The fake king jackal, who had deceived them all in the name of Lord Brahma, on seeing his jackal brothers dancing and singing, jumped down from his throne and joined his brothers and started singing and dancing in their language.
It did not take long for the lions, leopards, tigers, wolves and elephants sitting in the court to understand that this animal was actually a jackal, who had been ruling over us by deceiving us in the name of Lord Brahma.

We had been obeying this lowly jackal till today and this evil deceptive jackal had been ruling over us. How shameful for us.
At the same time, the lion full of anger got up roaring in anger and attacked the deceptive jackal.
The jackal tried its best to save its life but it was useless before the lion.
That disguised imposter jackal who deceived others lost his life in a moment.
The truth was revealed.

Moral: A deceptive person may rise to power temporarily, but eventually, their true nature will be exposed, leading to their downfall.