
Missing Nacklace : story begins when once the Emperor Akbar decided to bestow a special gift upon his beloved Queen. He presented her with a beautifully crafted necklace, a piece made by the finest artisans, and it shimmered with a grace that left her utterly captivated.“Here, accept this gift from us,” Akbar said with a warm smile.The Queen’s eyes widened with delight. “This necklace is so beautiful! I don’t have anything like it. I love it very much.”

Akbar replied, “Indeed, it is meant to be beautiful. It was crafted especially for you by expert artisans.”

“I will cherish it always,” the Queen said, holding the necklace close. “I won’t let it out of my sight. I am so fortunate, Your Majesty.”

Akbar was pleased to see her happiness. “We are delighted you like it. Whenever you wear it, it will be a symbol of my affection for you.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!” the Queen responded.

The next morning, however, the Queen’s joy turned to despair. As she prepared for the day, she found that the precious necklace was missing. Panic-stricken, she called out, “Where has my necklace gone? Maidens, maidens, where are you?”

A maid hurried in. “What’s the matter, Her Majesty?”

“My necklace is missing!” the Queen exclaimed. “I had placed it here before I went to sleep. Please help me find it!”

The maid, trying to offer a solution, said, “Her Majesty, you have many other necklaces. Perhaps you could wear another one.”

“No, no,” the Queen insisted. “This necklace was a special gift from the Emperor. I want this one back, not any other.”

Despondent, the Queen sat down, her heart heavy with worry. Soon, Emperor Akbar arrived.

Akbar and Birbal

“What’s troubling you?” he asked, noticing her distress.

“Your Majesty,” the Queen replied, tears welling in her eyes, “the necklace you gave me is missing.”

“Missing?” Akbar asked, perplexed. “You didn’t perhaps drop it somewhere?”

“I placed it here last night before sleeping, and now it’s gone. I’m so sorry; I failed to keep your gift safe,” the Queen sobbed.

Akbar, seeing her distress, comforted her. “Don’t cry. It was just a gift. We will have another one made, even better. We’ll also find the lost one. Please don’t be upset. Stay in our room today.”

He instructed the guards and servants to search every corner of the Queen’s room. However, despite their efforts, the necklace was nowhere to be found. One of the guards reported, “Your Majesty, we have searched everywhere but the necklace is not here.”

“This is becoming serious,” Akbar said. “Only Birbal can solve this matter. Summon him immediately. We need that necklace tonight.”

Birbal arrived shortly, his keen intellect evident in his manner. “Your Majesty, what brings me here at this hour?”

Akbar explained the situation. “Birbal, the Queen’s necklace is missing. She is deeply upset. You must find it tonight.”

Birbal replied, “I suspect the thief is among the guards or the maids. To identify the culprit, I need to bring one of my special friends.”

“Your friend?” Akbar asked. “Which friend? And why can’t we bring him here?”

Birbal responded, “My friend has magical powers that will help us catch the thief. I must go to get him.”

Akbar, intrigued and anxious, allowed Birbal to go. “Go ahead, Birbal. We are eager to meet this friend.”

Birbal returned with a donkey, Akbar surprised and. “Birbal, you told about friend, not a donkey!”

Missing Nacklace

Birbal explained, “This is my friend. He has magical abilities that will assist us in finding the thief.”

“How will this donkey help?” Akbar questioned.

Birbal set up a tent and said, “ each guard and maid will enter the tent one by one. They must hold the donkey’s tail and state that they did not commit the theft. When everyone has held the tail, my friend will reveal the thief.”

Akbar agreed, and one by one, the guards and maids held the donkey’s tail.

Birbal then inspected their hands and said, “We need to check their hands for the perfume I applied to the donkey’s tail.”

After examining everyone, Birbal announced, “The thief is this guard.”

The guard protested, “No, Your Majesty, I am innocent. I have served you loyally. The donkey’s word cannot prove my guilt.”

Akbar was skeptical. “How can you be sure this guard is the thief?”

Birbal explained, “I applied a special perfume to the donkey’s tail. Knowing the thief would avoid holding it, I was able to identify him. The scent was present on everyone’s hands except his.”

Akbar, satisfied with Birbal’s reasoning, ordered, “Seize this traitor and imprison him!”

Tell me story daddy
Tell me story daddy

The guard, now desperate, begged, “Please forgive me, Your Majesty. I was greedy. I will return all the stolen items. Please, have mercy.”

But Akbar remained resolute. “No, you cannot be forgiven. Those who betray trust must face consequences. Guards, take him to the dungeon.”

Birbal, once again, had used his cleverness to reveal the truth. “Thank you, Birbal. We are grateful for your wisdom.”

Birbal replied with humility, “Thank you, Your Majesty.” And thus, order was restored in the palace, thanks to Birbal’s brilliant intervention.